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Iridology provides vital health  information about the overall condition of the body and can establish the root cause of disease, revealing the appropriate treatments required.


It is a safe, non-invasive analytical science, that is easily integrated into other healing modalities.

Iridology will help the client see their strengths, weaknesses, and find clarity on how to heal. The Iridologist will guide the patient as to the best ways of reversing existing conditions and managing genetic weaknesses.

Iridology is the study of the ‘Iris’ of the eye – the exposed nerve endings which make up the coloured part of the eye, each of which are connected to the brain.


A trained Iridologist sees the exposed nerve endings as a ‘map’, revealing information about:

  • the body’s genetic strengths and weaknesses

  • levels of inflammation and toxaemia

  • the efficiency of the eliminative systems and organs


In the hands of those who are well versed in the pathology of the pathways of disease, as well as anatomy and physiology, this provides a veritable microchip of information.


The History of Iridology


In the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, mainly by medical practitioners. One of the earliest was Dr Ignatz Von Peczely, a Hungarian Doctor. While still a child he accidentally broke the leg of an owl. He noticed a black mark appearing in the owl’s eye, which over time changed in form and shading.


Ignatz Von Peczely qualified in medicine at the Vienna Medical College in 1867. He had the opportunity to study the irides of patients before and after surgery, systematically recording, correlating and publishing his research in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’. His ‘Iris Chart’ was established in 1880. 




Source: The Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International


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